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Raju Das
Raju Das
Sunday, August 14, 2022
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Raju Das
Raju Das
Friday, August 12, 2022
15 august Indian independence day

From 1930 till 1947, India celebrated January 26 as its Independence Day. It was changed to August 15 in 1947. Here is why..

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Raju Das
Raju Das
Monday, August 8, 2022
Social Media Marketing

There are many ways you can succeed in network marketing and earn a decent living. But there are many more ways in which you can fail. Unless you know all the angles out there, you're not going to move forward in business. This article will explain some great tips you can use, to help your MLM campaign to flourish.

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Raju Das
Raju Das
Monday, August 8, 2022
affiliate marketing

The idea of affiliates is to get people to click on an affiliate link, such as a link to a company, product or service and this is done by the affiliate site by directing the visitor to the advertiser's pages. If the person who clicks goes on that advertiser's site and purchases what the advertiser offers, then through your link on that page, you will get paid a commission from the advertiser.

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Raju Das
Raju Das
Monday, August 8, 2022
email marketing

The idea of getting a list of emails to promote your product is a good one. But it is usually very difficult to do this without getting into spam problems. But email marketing is a great way of getting new customers and people that want to try out a product. So if they like it and want more, why not just add them to your list and email them?

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Raju Das
Raju Das
Monday, August 8, 2022
Website Traffic

Blog site websites are recommended methods of advertising your solution or item. Right here are five immediate plans to enhance website traffic to your blog website and start seeing those significant sales.

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Raju Das
Raju Das
Sunday, August 7, 2022
Achieve Goal

Every young person is unique, an amazing combination of both genetic data and experiences that shape who they are. Even among identical twins, vast differences are often observed in behavior, preference, and way of thought. This leads to the inevitable conclusion that every young person has something very special to share with the world. There truly is no one else exactly like them on the entire planet.

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Raju Das
Raju Das
Sunday, August 7, 2022
smart child learning

Generally speaking, this driving school attracts 15 and 16-year-old, academically inclined students who prefer learning to drive outside of the school day. This private-sector option allows these students to load their respective class schedules up with honors classes (not driver's ed) that, upon high school graduation, increases their odds of being accepted into the college of their choice.

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Raju Das
Raju Das
Sunday, August 7, 2022
motivate yourself to study

The mounting pressure of increasing curriculum added with homework and extra-curricular classes is making childhood very stressful for kids as well as parents. Gone are the days when kids played in the building compound for hours, breaking glasses, eating munchies at some friends place, fighting over who won and who cheated.

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Raju Das
Raju Das
Sunday, August 7, 2022
advantages and disadvantages of watching television With Your Kids

While being strict, disciplining, and providing materialistic support to your children it is important to spend 'time' with them. It need not be doing productive things only. Sometime doing simple things like gardening, repairing something at home or even watching TV with them help to create lifelong bonds with your kids.

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